In this course, participants learn the skills they need to gain the commitment of team members and develop individual skills and abilities. Leaders learn to identify the tasks they need to delegate, select the most appropriate individuals, assess capabilities and commitment, and plan the delegation discussion. That discussion includes the level of decision-making authority, amount of support, and methods for monitoring progress and measuring results.
Delegating with purpose

Front line managers or supervisors with direct reports
Between 10 and 20 participants

At the end of the course, leaders will be able to
Achieve key business results by leveraging the entire team’s abilities.
Build the team’s capabilities and capacity through developmental delegations.
Free up time to focus on mission-critical responsibilities.
Delegate with increased confidence.

Duration and cost
Virtual classroom: 5 hours - 12500 Kč / 900€
Face-to-face: 1 day - 17500 Kč / 1260€

Identifying Delegation Opportunities
Matching People to the Task/Responsibility
Planning and Communicating an Effective Strategy
Providing Ongoing Follow-up and Coaching

Discussion planner
Job aid
Participant booklet
Group discussion